Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research

What is Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)

A Bachelor of Management Studies (commonly abbreviated as a BMS) is a globally recognized academic degree awarded to undergraduates for completion of their course. The degree generally takes three to four years to complete, but will vary depend on the country, institution, subject area and courses selected. Programs resulting in a Bachelor of Management Studies degree provide comprehensive and practical management training through focus on building soft skills that are essential to management. Students are expected to concentrate their academic energies on mastering the technical and practical facets of their field. Bachelor of Management Studies degrees are usually offered in organizational behavior and human resource management areas.


Recognition. Globally recognized; in some places the degree is earned under the name of Bachelor of Business & Management.
Duration. Typically 3-4 years.
Subjects. The subjects covered help students specialize in general management and provide exposure to subjects like business, finance, economics and marketing. The major areas include labor management, negotiation, conflict resolution, compensation systems, organizational behavior and development, microeconomics, and statistics.
Assessment. Varies based on country, university and subject. For some programs there may be continual assessment that makes the final grade. For others, it may be a heavily weighted final exam. Generally, theoretical exam which will evaluate soft skills and work portfolio matters a lot in assessment.
Grading. Varies based on country, university, and subject.
Global Differences

The Bachelor of Management Studies degree is awarded across the globe under different names, and two of the main differences tends to be: the duration of the degree and certification.

In the United States, it is called Bachelor of Business Management (BBM). It typically takes four years to complete and is awarded for the completion of undergraduate studies in business, finance, organizational behavior, strategic management, human resource, corporate social responsibility, brand management, risk management and related fields. Less frequently the BBM designation is applied to professional studies in the areas branding and advertising, consulting, relationship management, global consumer culture, logistics and operations management, mergers and acquisitions and virtual organizations.

In UK, Management Studies is completed either under B.A. or B.Sc. – i.e. a Business Management B.A. (Hons.) degree or B.Sc. (Hons) Management. As in the United States, this equivalent degree is typically awarded upon the successful completion of an undergraduate program in one or more fields of management. The completion period for the degree is usually three years, but may extend up to four years depending on the university and specialization or if you want to undertake a project simultaneously.

In Canada, many institutions offer students the option of completing a 3-year or 4-year BMS degree. Also common is the Bachelor’s degree programs in Business, Business Management, Business Administration, Commerce and International Business with Hons. in Management.

Bachelor of Management Studies or Bachelor of Business Administration or Arts?

Prospective students trying to chart their course through college might be wondering what is thedifference between a BMS and a BBA or B.A. (hons.) Management. The primary difference between these types of degrees is the focus of the coursework students are required to complete in order to earn them.

A Bachelor of Management Studies degree typically focuses on management-related disciplines whereas a Bachelor of Business Administration focuses on the business aspect of management. However what is considered to be management or business management may vary from institution to institution.

To cite some examples:

A particular subject, for example Human Resource Management, can be awarded a Bachelor of Management Studies (or Bachelor of Business Management in USA) at one institution, a Bachelor of Business Administration at another institution or have the option of one or the other based on the curriculum selected.

In the UK, the London School of Economics offers a B.Sc. Management degree in subject areas associated with a management degree. On the other hand, University of Westminster awards B.A. (Hons.) in Business Management.

In the USA, almost all the universities offer Bachelor of Business Management degrees in all of its programs of management study. Eastern Illinois University offers Bachelor in Management, while DeVry University offers Bachelor of Science for completing the Management courses.

The differences pose a very important question for students – what degree should I chose?

What degree is right for me?

Academically, whether it is a BMS, BBM or B.A. (Hons.), they all are equally valued. They offer students an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in their area of interest, and build a platform for employment or postgraduate studies. Students need to identify which is a better fit – which track caters to their chosen subject and strengths in that major. The coursework required for a Bachelor of Management Studies degree generally allows students to sharpen their organizational behavior and human resource skills. By comparison, the demands of other degrees like Bachelor of Business Management typically foster management skills from a business perspective.

When deciding which degree program is the best fit, students need to identify:

Subjects: What subject they wish to study as it may only be offered as a BMS or B.A.
Curriculum: The course content and teaching style for a BMS in a subject vs. a B.Sc. or a B.A. may vary significantly from university to university.
Career options: Does the BMS provide the right foundation for the student’s future job?
Entry requirements: Do they have the appropriate entry requirements?
Interest: Do they enjoy management classes or does their interest lie on the business side?
A BMS degree offers a multitude of study options for students, and upon graduation the opportunity to enter the professional world or pursue post-graduate studies. It is imperative that students identify what subject area their interest lies in and subsequently enroll in a program that provides the best platform for their future endeavors.


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